End Of Day Maintenance
Ruby Dann
It is recommended that you perform a cleaning at the end of each day to keep a well working machine. Below is a helpful guide on how to complete a successful end of day cleaning on your DTG Printer.
5 Easy Steps To Cleaning Your DTG Printer
1 – Wear Gloves.
2 – Soak and Purge the ink in the capping station with FIREBIRD Cleaning Solution (CS). Continue this step until the CS has completely diluted the ink to clear.
3 – Apply CS with a foam swab (or lint-free wipe) to the capping station seal and wiper blade. Clean thoroughly until all ink is removed.
4 – Apply CS with a foam swab (or lint-free wipe) to the printhead plate and surrounding printhead carriage. Clean thoroughly until all ink is removed.
5 – (optional) – Fill the capping station with Cleaning Solution and immerse the printhead overnight, ensuring seal.